
We are proud to be an Independent Insurance Agency because it represents a foundation in which we have approached our business model to provide a large selection of options for our clients.  Additionally, we are not burdened by financial industry red tape and/or corporate compliance to sell certain products regardless of their value to a client.  Many Captive Insurance Companies may have substantial advertising and marketing plans that drive their success and image although I can speak from experience to the fact their agents have very limited options and are held to quotas that are then reflected on their clients.  Captive Insurance Company examples are Farmers, State Farm, American Family, and Shelter.

Common Misconception

Independent Insurance Agents do not charge a fee for their services.  Inquiring clients often ask if there is a fee for the search and quoting of an insurance proposal.  The answer is “NO”.  We generate business revenue the same way any insurance agent does and that is through a commission percentage of the policy premium.  We provide the search, consultation, quote and proposal at no charge with the intent to obtain clients.  Then we provide prompt, effective and helpful customer service with the intent to retain clients.  If our proposal is not purchased then there are certainly no hard feelings.  Some of my best clients liked my service and not the pricing in our initial consult and therefore did not purchase immediately, as time goes on factors change and I was able to align better pricing and therefore obtain clients in a win/win scenario.